Sat, Dec 21, 2024


Jason Resler is a stand-up comedian and a writer. He has also done a little bit of bad acting. Never the less he has performed improv with Academy Award winner Robin Williams in front of a sold out theatre. He is a well decorated US Naval war veteran, a father, and he has resigned from the US Postal Service, voluntarily, after numerous disagreements with management. He listens to 80's metal bands. He is a baseball fanatic, a road warrior, and an alternative highschool spelling bee champion. Hailing from Sacramento Jason is blue-collar from the north, laid back yet enthusiastic, and more self-educated than un-educated.

Jason has wanted to be a comedian ever since he was convinced, mostly by his own coaches, that he'd probably never be able to hit a big league curve ball. Now he headlines at top comedy clubs, resort casinos, universities, and theatres nationwide with over 200 showdates anually since '98.